6 min

Tips for Avoiding Common Hair Extension Mistakes

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Hair extensions are popular for adding volume, length, and versatility to hairstyles. To get the results you want with hair extensions, you need to take care of them correctly.

Mistake #1: Going to a regular stylist not an extension specialist

Regular hairstylists may not have the specialized skills and expertise required for hair extensions. Hair extension application involves intricate techniques, knowledge of various methods, and understanding the nuances of different hair types and textures. A regular stylist may not be well-versed in these areas.

Different hair extension methods suit different hair types and conditions. A specialist can assess your hair type and recommend the most appropriate method to achieve the desired look and minimize potential damage.

And if issues or complications arise with your extensions, a specialist is better equipped to address them. They can diagnose and solve problems such as matting, tangling, or discomfort.

Mistake #2: Working with an extension artist who doesn't work with different textures and only serves one type of hair.

Hairstylists who only specialize in one type of hair texture may not have the knowledge and skills to work with diverse hair types. Hair comes in a wide range of textures, from straight to wavy, curly, and coily, and each requires different approaches in styling and maintenance.

Different hair textures often require specific hair care products and treatments. Inappropriate styling or care for your specific texture can lead to hair damage.

Mistake #3: Working with a stylist who does extensions as a side menu.

Stylists who offer hair extensions as a side service may not have the same level of expertise and specialization as those who focus exclusively on extensions. Hair extensions require specific skills and knowledge in terms of application, maintenance, and styling to achieve the best results. A stylist who only occasionally does extensions may not have the depth of experience required.

Hair extension quality and longevity also depend on proper application and maintenance. A regular stylist may not be as meticulous or experienced in applying extensions correctly, potentially leading to issues such as discomfort, visible attachment points, or premature shedding.

Mistake #4: Not matching the hair extension with your hair texture.

Using hair extensions that do not match your natural hair texture can result in an inconsistent and unnatural appearance. The extensions may look out of place, appear too straight or too curly compared to your natural hair, and fail to blend seamlessly.

Mismatched hair textures can create visible demarcation lines where the extensions attach to your natural hair. This can be especially apparent in certain lighting conditions and can be a telltale sign that you are wearing extensions. If you go to a hair extension specialist, they would check your hair texture first before recommending a hair extension.

Mistake #5: Not considering the investment and budget allocated to personal care maintenance.

Budget is an important factor to consider when getting hair extensions, and neglecting to do so can lead to financial stress and potential disappointment. Different types of hair extensions come with varying price points. Be realistic about your budget and remember that the initial cost may not be the only expense; maintenance and upkeep can also add to the overall cost.

How much do extensions cost? Prices vary based on the method of application and length and amount of hair required. The prices can vary from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars.

Every individual is different because of their thickness and the result they want to achieve. Having a consultation to go over all your options will give you an accurate price based on your desired style and your current stage.

But here’s the price range you should expect:

  • Great lengths keratin fusion/cold fusion $650-$3500 no maintenance cost but the whole cost repeats every 4-5 months

  • Beaded weft - NBR- SKW Method $1100-$1500 per row Maintenace required every 6-8 weeks $300-$600

  • Tape-ins $400-$2000 Maintenance required every 6-8 weeks from $300-$600

Learn more about our pricing here.

Mistake #6: Not considering your lifestyle.

Your daily activities and lifestyle play a significant role in choosing the right type of hair extension.If you are someone who shampoos often , if you sweat a lot, if you spend a lot of time by the lakes, pools and the sun, you need to take all of that in consideration. Talk with your hair extension specialist about what activities you are active in so they can choose a suitable product and installation method for you.

Mistake #7: Not considering length and volume.

The primary goal of getting hair extensions is often to achieve a specific hairstyle or look. Whether you want longer, fuller, or more voluminous hair, the length and volume of the extensions should align with your vision. Extensions come in various lengths, so discuss with your hair extension specialist which one complements your natural hair and desired style.

Mistake #8: No proper color matching.

One of the most common mistakes when using hair extensions is failing to match the color accurately. To achieve a seamless blend, your hair extension special should ensure that your extensions match your natural hair color. Highlights and lowlights can be used to create a more natural look if necessary.

Mistake #9: Improper maintenance and care

Hair extensions require regular maintenance and care to keep them looking their best. Create a daily routine for caring for your hair. This routine should include gentle brushing and using recommended products for cleaning and styling. Make sure to schedule regular maintenance appointments to keep them in excellent condition.

Mistake #10. Not protecting hair extension during physical activities.

To protect your extensions during exercise, swimming, and other physical activities, ensure they are secured properly. Use hair ties or clips to prevent tangling and damage. After physical activities, take steps to maintain the integrity of your extensions, such as thorough washing and detangling.

Here are the products you should avoid when wearing hair extensions:

  1. Alcohol-Based Products - Avoid hair sprays, gels, and styling products that contain high levels of alcohol. Alcohol can dry out both your natural hair and the extensions, making them more prone to damage and breakage.

  2. Sulfate-Containing Shampoos - Sulfates are harsh detergents commonly found in many shampoos. They can strip natural oils from your hair and extensions, leading to dryness and tangling. Look for sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners designed for use with extensions.

  3. Oil-Based Products at the Attachment Point - If you have bonded or taped extensions, avoid using oil-based hair products near the attachment point. Oils can weaken the bonds or adhesive, causing the extensions to slip or fall out prematurely.

  4. Products with Heavy Silicones - While some silicone-based products can add shine and smoothness to your hair, avoid those that are too heavy or contain non-water-soluble silicones. These can build up on the extensions, making them appear dull and difficult to manage.

  5. Keratin or Protein Treatments - Be cautious with treatments that contain additional keratin or protein if you have fusion (keratin-bonded) extensions. Excessive protein can lead to bond breakdown, causing the extensions to slip out.

  6. Excessive Heat Styling - Limit the use of high-heat styling tools like flat irons and curling wands on your extensions. Excessive heat can damage the hair fibers and reduce their longevity. If you do use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant and use them on a lower temperature setting.

  7. Conditioner Applied at the Roots - When applying conditioner to your hair, focus on the mid-lengths and ends rather than the roots where the extensions are attached. Conditioner near the roots can cause the extensions to slip or weaken the bonds.

  8. Tight Hairstyles and Accessories - Avoid tightly pulled hairstyles, such as high ponytails or braids, that put excessive stress on the extensions and your natural hair. Additionally, be cautious with accessories like hair ties with metal parts, as they can cause damage when removing them.

  9. Chlorine and Saltwater - Prolonged exposure to chlorinated or saltwater can affect the quality of your extensions. If you're swimming, consider wearing a swim cap or taking measures to protect your hair from these elements.

  10. Chemical Hair Treatments - Chemical treatments like perms, relaxers, and colorants should be approached with caution when you have extensions. These treatments can weaken the extensions and cause damage to your natural hair.

Mistake #11: Improper removal techniques.

Improper removal techniques can cause excessive pulling and stress on your natural hair, leading to breakage, thinning, or damage to the hair follicles. Protecting your natural hair is essential for its long-term health.

When it's time to remove your extensions, always seek professional assistance. After removal, follow proper aftercare routines to ensure your hair and scalp recover.

Mistake #12: DIY Troubleshooting common hair extension problems

While it's understandable to want to address issues with your hair extensions on your own, attempting DIY troubleshooting for common hair extension problems can sometimes lead to further complications or damage.

Read our extension aftercare tips to know more about how to maintain your beautiful locks.

Wrapping Up

Hair extensions can be a fantastic way to enhance your look and boost your confidence. Follow these tips to avoid common hair extension mistakes. This will help you achieve beautiful, healthy hair that blends seamlessly with your natural locks. Remember that professional guidance and regular maintenance are essential for ensuring the longevity and quality of your extensions. With the right care and attention, you can achieve the stunning hair you desire.