While many women choose hair extensions when they want to add luxurious length and volume to their hair, those with hair loss, especially on the tops of their heads have always had to look for hats or ugly unnatural wigs to cover the thinning areas. Some wigs even require women to shave their remaining hair to be able to properly adhere to their scalp for more permanency.
Even today, women all over the world are dealing with less-than-ideal hair solutions that are both uncomfortable and embarrassing. In recent years several hair loss gurus created multiple ways to do semi-permanent bonding to the scalp without shaving their head. These revolutionary techniques have changed the game for all women across the world by creating an effective solution that doesn’t require them to go through the added shame of shaving their hair. Many studies have surveyed women who equated losing their hair with losing a limb.

One of the products that utilize no shaving bonding is called Revive and it is one of our newest hair solutions products that can give our guests the look and feel of natural hair. Revive is a top-of-the-head hairpiece that is easy to apply and looks like your natural hair. Revive is made of 100% Remy Human Hair and is installed using a reverse tape-in process that gives it the look and feels of natural hair. It moves like your own hair, it can be styled like your own hair and it will give you the confidence to be yourself without worrying about a wig or hairpiece falling out.
The other very effective and revolutionary method is long hair bonding. This method can be applied with CNC custom toppers or toppers with a generous amount of PU around the base of the piece. The hair can be worn just like regular hair without any worries for 4-5 weeks. At each maintenance appointment, the topper gets removed and cleaned, and reattached.
How do they work?
A trained hair-loss specialist can attach the Revive hairpiece or any other suitable topper for long hair bonding in about an hour. It is easy, comfortable, and painless and will look like your natural hair. Once applied, your natural hair is then pulled through for integration or fully concealed under the piece ensuring that it will stay put.
How Long will Hair Last?
When attached by an expert, the hairpiece will last from 4 to 6 weeks depending on how you take care of it and how active you are. Women with a much active lifestyle or people who perspire often have to take extra caution. Typically, guests won’t need a reapplication until 4 weeks though.
How To Care For Your New Hair topper
With your hair addition, proper care and maintenance will not only make it last longer, but it will look better as well. Use only high-quality hair care products that are specially formulated for hairpieces and wash them just like you would your own hair. Use warm water, not hot, and a gentle downward motion when shampooing to help it last longer. Conditioner should only be used on the ends of the hairpiece and you can dry and curl it as normal. Using heat protectants and UV protectants on the hair is a big part of keeping any hair healthy.

As we always say, one size doesn’t fit all. There are many ways that you can treat and conceal hair loss. A woman’s hair is not a VANITY. It is a significant part of her being and we will be honored to help you in your hair loss journey.
For more information about ways we can help with your hair loss visit us at
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